I doser youtube
I doser youtube

To be more accurate, he should have told his brother to just relax and tell what he felt after the "dose". The power of suggestion could make him believe that it is working. The only thing about what the previous poster said was that he told his brother what was going to happen. the 500 Hz in the example above), is also said by some to affect the quality of the trans formative experience." Ada Codeine, Coccaine, Acid, Heroin, Hash, dan sebagainya. Apa saja kesalahan itu 1 Menggunakan NamaProduk Narkoba. Sejumlah pengamat bilang kesalahan terbesar i-Doser adalah ketika mengemas bahasa pemasaran yang dianggap negatif. Niat baik yang tak dibarengi kemasan bagus, ujung-ujungnya menuai protes. The resulting subsonic tone may affect the state of mind of the subject. Apa itu i-Doser, Bahaya dan Cara Kerjanya. For example, a 500 Hz tone and 510 Hz tone will produce a subsonic 10 Hz tone, roughly in the middle of the alpha range. Two tones close in frequency generate a beat frequency at the difference of the frequencies, which is generally subsonic. "Brainwave synchronization (entrainment) may be achieved when audio signals are introduced to the brain causing a response directly related to the frequency of the signal introduced, called binaural beats. I know he is nuts, but he couldn't make that up.įrom the I-Doser website: (you don't have to read this part) Also at one point he put his hands out like he was holding something and he said he was eating a pumpkin, then he was a jack-o-lantern.Ģ0 minutes later he had little memory of it and wouldn't believe me when I told him what he did and said. and he was like 6'2" tall!! Isnt' that weird?!?!?" For the next 10-15 minutes he laughed hysterically after pointing to random things, like a broom.

i doser youtube

"(laughing the whole time) Oh my god! I went to The Bible. He was laughing hysterically, and he told me this story: 10 minutes later, when the "dose" of "hash" was over, he was totally gone (not in this world). He agreed, put on headphones and relaxed.

i doser youtube i doser youtube

Okay it was somewhat sadistic, but I told him what it would do. Personally, I told my kid brother (aged 13) to do it. If you watch other people do it, you set little expectations in your head that are too high, and if you do that, then your brain won't feel anything, making you not feel anything. Then put on some headphones (THEY HAVE TO BE HEADPHONES, SPEAKERS WILL NOT WORK!) and just listen to the "track". I-Doser is the worlds top binaural brainwave, lucid dream, mediation, yoga, chakra, kundalini and simulated experience app. The best way to make I-Doser work for you is to get in a dark room, relax, close your eyes, and do NOT think about anything. In all the people I've shown it to, the smarter ones that couldn't control their thoughts and didn't stop thinking long enough for their brain to process the signals, just didn't work. Some people cannot accept the signals into their brain. I-Doser strongly differs between individuals.

I doser youtube